We are so eggcited to announce, we can now raise our limit to SIX dozen eggs per order!
Farm Fresh Eggs

Farm Fresh Eggs

1 dozen (LIMIT 6)

Our chickens have the freedom to be chickens. They enjoy scratching for bugs and seeds, and forage through the greenery. They fly, sing, and occasionally chase the dogs. Quality feed and natural forage gives our eggs that deep yellow/orange colored yolks and buttery taste that can't be found in mass produced store bought eggs. We have a beautiful array of hens. Their diversity provides each carton of eggs, a unique color pattern as well as size and shapes. Farm fresh eggs have less cholesterol and saturated fat than those purchased from the store. Additionally, they also contain 25% more vitamin E, 75% more beta carotene and up to 20 times more Omega-3 fatty acids.

12 per dozen



free range unwashed eggs